
Focused as we were on Harry Potter over the past 48 hours, we've been watching nervously as increasingly large parts of Abingdon are being inundated with water from the variety of rivers that flow into the Thames at the town (notably the Ock) - and of course, the Thames itself. mostly books is on Stert Street, named after the river Stert that flows underneath the road. As far as we know, we're not facing any problems - but the situation is becoming increasingly severe. The Abingdon blogger has been updating us with pictures of the severe flooding caused by the River Ock bursting its banks. Things are expected to continue to get worse and peak sometime in the early hours of Monday morning, or even on Tuesday.


  1. Move the books up! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  2. We've just heard that the shop will most probably flood - so we're geting everyting off the lower shelves.

    Wish us luck...

  3. Been thinking about you every time I hear Abingdon mentioned on the news. Hope you've managed to move the books up and that the water doesn't come in. I'm keeping, as an Irish friend of mine would say, all my parts crossed for you.

  4. Thinking of you. I do hope your damage is minimal.
    Love from Mary

  5. Thanks to the fact that nobody has built on the flood plain here in Abingdon, it did its job - so we're putting the shop back together this morning with no water - hooray!

  6. Anonymous11:26 am

    As a bookseller who trades from within a very well organised flood plain - thanks to the fine work by the Environment Agency - I have been watching developments in other areas where they do not have the benefit of planning for such emergencies.

    Great to hear that you have escaped unscathed.

  7. I think that's the key point Clive - a well-managed flood plain. Unfortunately,such is complexity of water flow coupled with the pressure to build new homes, it's difficult to see how these kind of problems are not going to be exacerbated in the future.

    Apparently the insurance companies have been busy reclassifying large swathes of the flood-affected areas as being under flood-risk - and thus difficult to insure. Again, it will be interesting to see how many people will now be refused insurance in areas previously felt to be safe from flooding.

  8. Mark, just seen news this evening. Hope you are all OK.

  9. Hello again, just been reading the news again this morning and am super keeping my fingers crossed for you guys again. Just hope all this rain ends soon.
