Hello, hello, it's good to be back

Ah, a few days by the seaside, which just happened to coincide with the only hot weather of the Summer. Maybe it's because I grew up by the seaside, but there is really nothing that can beat the simple, uncomplicated pleasure of a day at the beach (providing it's not raining of course - then the experience is rather different). Sandcastles, crabbing, ice-creams, penny slots - one happy little boy last week, I can tell you. And Alex was pretty excited too...
Of course, next year we'll choose a better date to close the shop than the week in which the Booker Longlist is announced (doh!) but at least we have the literary delight which is the dovegreyreader bookerthon to look forward to. The literary equivalent of an advent calendar stuffed with chocolate, this annual event already has the makings of a literary institution as far as Nicki and I are concerned, and deserves to become as well-known as the Booker itself.

Anyway, the shop survived its week off, and we're back today with our storyteller Peter Hearn, who is - as I type - telling stories of a bear going to a birthday party, the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice (accompanied by a real lyre) and much banjo-playing. Fantastic. This is lifting my spirits even more post-holiday.

Next Tuesday we're having our first language event, an afternoon of French songs, stories and games with local author Gwen Brookes, creator of Berthe The Witch. We predict big things for Berthe, with French soon to be on the primary school curriculum, and Berthe La Sorcière is a great creation.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed your holidays and I might check Berthe out. She should be about my reading level in French!
