Private opening

I will resist the use of the words 'Jam', 'Jerusalem' or even the phrase 'considerably bigger buns'. Instead, I'll just focus on what a lovely evening we had in the shop yesterday when we held a private evening for the ladies of the Wootton WI.
Having invited me to speak to them last year about the shop (which is tough for me, given my introvert nature, and the fact that I don't like to talk too much about the shop) the ladies turned up en masse, armed with cake (I provided the coffee) and I was able to chat a little bit more about the shop, what we try to do with the space we have, and some of the aspects of the shop we are particularly proud of. Thanks very much to Kate Jones for organising it - and for all the exceptionally nice comments about the shop which made it tricky for me to get my head out of the door once I'd washed up all the coffee mugs...

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